Our History
What started with 30 passionate fans, turned into a growing movement of kindness advocates!
From Inspiration to Action
Our History
In 2012, we had a crazy idea to organize a WorldWide event in honor of World Kindness Day, so we reached out to our fans and put our idea out there. What happened? We found 30 AMAZINGLY committed Group Leaders. With 30 locations, spanning across 15 countries and over 3,500 participants, Life Vest Inside’s WorldWide Dance for Kindness was born.
Life Vest Inside is a non-profit organization that inspires, empowers and educates people of all backgrounds to lead a life of kindness. We set out to effect global change through inspirational media, technology, education, and on the ground social engagement.
World Kindness Week
Every year, to kick off World Kindness Week, Life Vest Inside organizes Dance for Kindness, a WorldWide FreezeMob/FlashMob during which groups from all across the globe unite under the banner of kindness and join together to perform to the same song, same dance, all happening on the same day. Dance for Kindness serves as Life Vest Inside’s Annual Fundraiser as well as a means of building awareness of World Kindness Day.

The purpose of Dance for Kindness is to look beyond ourselves – beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion and realize that we are citizens of the world and that kindness is the common thread that unites us all.
Our 10th Annual Dance for Kindness event on Sunday, November 13th 2022 marked a Decade of Kindness for Life Vest Inside, and we couldn’t be more proud! Dance for Kindness has taken place in over 65 countries, 360 cities worldwide.
So, what exactly is a
Freezemob& Flashmob?
Music fills the streets, as participants pose in acts of kindness positions, increasing people’s awareness of what kindness looks like, and the kindness opportunities that surround them. Immediately after, the Flashmob song begins, and participants unfreeze and break out into dance!
Goals of Dance for Kindness
Just as dance is global language, so too is kindness!

Promotes Kindness
Empowering people around the globe to begin making a change by committing to take on an act of kindness through our Pledge for Kindness challenge.

Promotes Positive Human Interaction
Nurturing friendships and creating bonds that continue long after the event is over. Group Leaders and participants experience wholesome face to face good old human connection.

Promotes Global Unity
Uniting people of all ages, all backgrounds, all races and creeds under the banner of kindness. This event promotes that commonality that exists amongst us all – KINDNESS!

Promotes Teamwork
Volunteer Group Leaders from around the globe dedicate months of their time and passion to work together in unison, putting aside differences to bring this event to life.

Promotes Leadership
Equipping Group Leaders with leadership skills that they can implement into both their personal and professional lives. The event brings out the leaders in all of us.

Promotes Positive Self Expression
Encouraging people to “stand for” something as opposed to “stand against” something. Participants uniquely express themselves through song, dance and genuine acts of loving kindness.