Kindness Sweeps the World!
Check out pictures and videos from Dance for Kindness throughout the years!
Worldwide Montage Videos
Through the Years
Dance for Kindness 2017 Worldwide Montage
DFK Origins
I organise events all year long, Dance for Kindness was great because my whole family got involved. I made new friends and it is in alignment with my life purpose which is spreading kindness, compassion and especially empowering others.Ariane Leanza Heinz Zurich, Switzerland
Being a Group Leader exposed me to a lot of things, like connecting more with who we are as human beings, to know and feel what kindness is. The event was a great tool for me to touch people’s lives positively. It really helped improve my communication skills and leadership skills.Obijimi Tobi, Ikeja, Nigeria
My event just took place and my heart is SO full! Our community rallied around to support and participate in the event. It was truly a group effort. This experience brought us all together for a common purpose and knowing that we were linked to 50+ other countries all doing the same, creates a global bond that we wouldn't have experienced without this DFK opportunity.Andrea Johnston, Huntsville, Canada
It was extremely powerful being involved in a global movement. To know that other people around the world are doing and thinking the same thing on one day. It felt rewarding to guide and lead my community towards something positive and fulfilling.Nicole Engstrom, Texas, USA
Leading a Dance for Kindness event in your community is one of the most rewarding things you can do! You are bringing people of all ages together, all in the name of kindness and humanity! There is an incredible, powerful, positive energy and excitement in the air! It has become an annual tradition for us!Terese Rolke, Group Leader, Red Bank, NJ USA
Being a Group Leader allowed me to witness first hand what a community is all about; how people come together to help out, how they support one another and how they lift the spirits of everyone around them.Lana Mahmoud, Group Leader, Amman, Jordan