Get Spotlighted in our next Kindness Video Collaboration!

Take the Challenges

We’ve been waiting for you

Join our Kindness Video Collaboration

We are all a piece of the puzzle and when we come together as one – something absolutely beautiful is created! And so, as we celebrate World Kindness Day, we’d love to invite you to join us in creating a series of global kindness video collaborations. Submit your video and be part of one or all of our global video collaborations, some of which will go LIVE on World Kindness week!

When you join in, you’ll automatically be entered to WIN our Kindness Goody Bag including: Kindness tee, Acts of Kindness cards, a copy of our Kindness Boomerang book, Kindness poster PLUS a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Join Us!

See what we’ve done!

Past Collaborations

When the COVID pandemic broke out, Life Vest Inside began creating a series of global video collaborations to empower us all and infuse positivity and hope. The results have been incredible! Check out some of our past videos. The time to play a part in our next collaborations is NOW! Join us and inspire the world in your own unique way!

Kindness Challenge #1

Tribute to Our Elders

DUE: November 30th 2021

“Respect your elders” – these are words we all know well but have we truly lived by them and internalized their meaning and significance.

There is no greater teacher than the teacher of life experiences. While we may see our elders as out of date and out of touch – they have experienced the LESSONS of life first hand and THEIR MESSAGE to us should be honored and respected. What better time than right now to stop and share our gratitude, our appreciation, our acknowledgment of the wisdom they impart.

And so, we turn to YOU, to share in a meaningful moment, gratitude for a lesson learned from an elder in YOUR life.

  1. Follow the link below or click HERE and hit record (you can erase and record if needed)
  2. Say your name and where you’re from
  3. Mention the elder in your life that has taught you a valuable life lesson
  4. Share the one liner they are always known for saying
  5. Briefly expand on what it means to you

*REMINDER: Try to record within 30-45 seconds. Please be sure to hold your phone horizontally when filming.

Most of all, SPEAK FROM THE HEART! Invite your friends and family to record a video as well! To help you along, below is a sample message.

“My name is Orly Wahba. I’m from New York. The elder in my life who has impacted me is my grandpa. Whenever we sat down to eat, he was always known for saying, “Take what you want, but eat what you take.” I realize now that his message was deeper than I ever understood. He wasn’t just talking about food, but life in general. When you start something, see it through until the very end.”

Follow the link, click record and submit your video. Not to worry you can rerecord if you like!


Kindness Challenge #2

Kindness Is...

DUE: November 30th 2021

Kindness is a very broad term.

  1. Follow the link below or click HERE and hit record (you can erase and record if needed)
  2. Say your name and where you’re from
  3. Continue by saying, “To me kindness is….” (answer the question)
  4. Briefly expand on what it means to you

*REMINDER: Try to record within 30-45 seconds. Please be sure to hold your phone horizontally when filming.

Most of all, SPEAK FROM THE HEART! Invite your friends and family to record a video as well! To help you along, below is a sample message.

Follow the link, click record and submit your video. Not to worry you can rerecord if you like!


Kindness Challenge #2

Who is Your Life Vest?

DUE: November 19th 2021

We’ve all experienced moments in our life when we feel like life is whirling out of control. It can feel as though we are caught in a rip tide with no sign of help coming our way. Then suddenly someone throws us a life vest, a life line of kindness. It may be in the form of a smile, a kind word, a helping hand, or just being there to listen. This life vest of kindness can come from a friend, family member, teacher, mentor and on many occasions a perfect stranger at the right place, at the right time with exactly what you need to stay afloat. Who has been a “life vest” in your life – your life line of kindness in a sea full of troubles? Consider this, if someone finds themselves in the middle of a great wide ocean with nothing but water around them for miles and miles, something as simple as a life vest can be the difference between life and death – it can be the small hope they need to know that it’s going to be ok. Share with us who has been a life vest in your life and pay tribute to the seemingly small acts of kindness that have an extraordinary impact.

  1. Print out our “life vest” image HERE (or draw it yourself), hold it to your heart (or have it somewhere in your video)
  2. Follow the link below or click HERE and hit record (you can erase and record if needed)
  3. Start off by saying your name and where you’re from.
  4. Answer the following question: “Who has been in a life vest in your life and why?” (a life vest can be someone who lifted you up when you needed it most) Please answer the question by saying: “My life vest is XXXX – because….”

*REMINDER: Try to record within 30-45 seconds. Please be sure to hold your phone horizontally when filming.

Check out our first “Who is Your Life Vest” video for ideas…

Follow the link, click record and submit your video. Not to worry you can rerecord if you like!
