Red Bank, New Jersey, USA
Terese Rolke, DFK19 Group Leader
Leading a Dance for Kindness event in your community is one of the most rewarding things you can do! You are bringing people of all ages together, all in the name of kindness and humanity! There is an incredible, powerful, positive energy and excitement in the air! It has become an annual tradition for us!
Orly Wahba, the Founder of Life Vest Inside, gives us an excellent support system along with a step-by-step Group Leader Handbook. New this year was an amazing platform guiding us through the process of completing all our tasks. Everything is clear and easy to follow.
I think back to my very first DFK in 2013 when I first met Orly. She said to me, “Terese, I don’t care if you dance alone, just represent the state of New Jersey!” She certainly took the pressure off! I knew by connecting with dance studios and promoting the event with friends and family, I wouldn’t be alone.
I have loved being a Group Leader for SEVEN events!!!
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Erica Misenti, DFK19 Group Leader
DFK2019 was my 2nd year as a Group Leader and I absolutely will participate next year. The kindness shared, laughter and smiles, the connections made- it’s truly a beautiful experience to watch come together. Thank you for creating this!
Special Thanks
Higher Ground Core
The Promenade Shops at Evergreen Walk
Laurie Misenti
Jitu a. Huntley
Nicole Lane Yates
Nicole Powell
Friends, Family, HGC Students and Dancers!
The Promenade Shops at Evergreen Walk
Kyiv, Ukraine
Rachel Geary, DFK19 Group Leader
It was a little intimidating to become a Group Leader for the first time, I wasn’t sure if I had time or was up for it, but there really is so much support available, it wasn’t hard!
Special Thanks
Kateryna Munteanu
Kateryna Anyshchenko
Julia Volodkova
Luke Woodruff
Zumba Ladies
Kyiv International School
Nitzanim (ניצנים), Ramat Gan (רמת גן)
Special Thanks
תודה לאביטל שינא מורה לחינוך גופני שיחד לימדנו כמה שיותר תלמידים את ריקוד החסד,תודה לכוכבית בירזון סגנית ולאביבית קליין המנהלת בתמיכה לאורך כל הפרוייקט.
Bucharest, Romania
Lila Vasilescu, DFK19 Group Leader
This year I had to step out of my comfort zone a lot to organize for the 5th time our Dance for Kindness FlashMob in school. We had a very big event the weekend before and felt like I could not give my all to organizing DFK as well so I needed to ask for much more help than usual which is so rare for me to do. I learned that when we talk about kindness and compassion, unless it starts with being kind to ourselves and truly knowing it’s ok to ask for help, it won’t work. We have to lead by example and this year was the greatest teacher for me in that sense. I always cry during the Freeze Mob. That gentle yet so powerful energy that’s formed truly opens my heart so wide I let go of all fears of what went right or wrong and I simply stay in the sweet presence of love itself. If you’ve touched one heart with this event, be it your heart even, that’s good enough. you are always good enough. This is my lesson. Grateful to your amazing spirit Orly for this event that has so many ripples you could not even begin to encompass. Remember to be kind and gente with yourself too, love you!
Special Thanks
Brenner (ברנר), Givatayim (גבעתיים)
מיכל שמה הכהן
“כל התהליך היה פשוט כייפי,
הילדים נהנו ללמוד את הריקוד ולרקוד אותו בבית ובכיתה ובהרקדות של כל ביה””ס.
ביום הארוע שהיה יום השיא היתה אווירה קסומה בביה””ס של קירבה בין התלמידים למורים, של תלמידים עם חבריהם, כולם התחבקו והיתה תחושה של יחד, של אחדות וערבות הדדית.
ההורים שבאו לצלם וצפו בילדים , היו פעורי פה ולא שיערו שמדובר בארוע כה גדול.
הורים ותלמידים התרגשו מאוד – היה מקסים ואנחנו כבר מתכננים את השנה הבאה.”