Group Leaders
The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one who gets the people to do the greatest things. – Ronald Reagan
Our Heart and Soul
There’s nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer! Our Group Leaders are the glue that holds Dance for Kindness together! They are the heart and soul of this amazing event and we love them for it!
Our Veteran Leaders
Learn more about the Group Leaders that have traveled along with us from the very start.
Diane Dupuis
Montreal, Canada
I came across LVI through the Kindness Boomerang video - and it has since changed my life; making me look every day for more opportunities to bring kindness to the world, as well as challenging me as a leader (for the 6th year!) of the Montreal Dance for Kindness Flashmob.
Alicia Stephany
Caracas, Venezuela
DFK is a great, fun and easy way to contribute to creating a better and kinder world. We all want to live in a better world, but sometimes we don´t know how to do it. This is a GREAT way! Every year, the dance is an opportunity to get together and share love, friendship and happiness.
What Group Leaders Are Saying
“The energy of the people on the day of the event, both dancers and the public, was amazing! Venezuela is going through tough times, and being able to create a positive environment for us and the people around us was incredible. I am convinced that Kindness is part of the solution in Venezuela and the whole world, therefore I am convinced this is IMPORTANT!” – Alicia Stephany, Group Leader, Caracas, Venezuela
“The experience was great. I got to interact with so many different people around the globe. It made me feel more confident in my leadership skills.” – Afshan Hussain
“I organise events all year long, Dance for Kindness was great because my whole family got involved. I made new friends and it is in alignment with my life purpose which is spreading kindness, compassion and especially empowering others.” – Ariane Leanza Heinz