Grove City, Ohio, USA
Trina Crosbie, DFK18 Group Leader
Becoming a Group Leader for Dance for Kindness was atypical of my character; However, I was passionate about the cause and wanted my students to have an opportunity to be a part of something greater than what they could do within the confines of a classroom. This experience did not disappoint! Being a Group Leader was so much fun and rewarding. To watch my students become excited about bringing the positivity that kindness can bring to the world and to see them take ownership of the mission was beyond inspiring. Every single student was empowered through their ability to bring awareness to others of the impact kindness can have in the world. What better way to show the children of today just how much light they can bring to the world
Special Thanks
- Ginny Brill , Jill McGary, Mindy Tussing, Clint Rardon, David Lane and John Asendorf.
- Parents, friends and family.