Hà Nội, Vietnam
Thu Vu, DFK18 Group Leader
Dance for Kindness in Hanoi City was super successful with very enthusiastic participation of volunteers. We had about 5,000 participants in Ly Thai To Square under the joint social media campaign and offline activities of HearMeToo – Lắng nghe và hành động. UNiTE to End Violence against Women Campaign Initiative for 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence
Special Thanks
Orly and Erin for all of their amazing help!
Antananarivo, Madagascar
Stephanie Niainahariravaka Rakotomalala, DFK18 Group Leader
Being a DFK Leader for the 7th annual Dance for Kindness was amazing. It was our first participation in this event and as a scout association; the members were very happy to share kindness through the international Dance for Kindness.
Special Thanks
- Supervisor: Komitim-pivondronana: Mr Tojo, Fesotro Miangaly, Mme Diary, Mr Tahina
- Photographers: Tsara, Ny Avo,
- Faniry-Video Maker: Hasina
- All the participants
Putrajaya, Malaysia
Soo Mei Chia, DFK18 Group Leader
It was really fun being a Group Leader. I learnt a lot indeed! It was also my first time meeting the people from a dancing studio. As the instructor of that dancing studio is an alumni of my university, when she knew this event, she invited all of her students, including the parents, to join me. I managed to engage with the other people from different areas. They love dancing and it’s clear to see that these participants are really energetic and excited!”
Special Thanks
Cairo, Egypt
Charity Aziz, DFK18 Group Leader
It has been a privilege to be a DFK Group Leader and to be a part of this unique Dance for Kindness event! Of course it takes a lot of time, focus and commitment, but it has been worth it. At our international school, we were able to bring all our differences together and share the power of kindness. We were able to bring all different ages of kids dancing together; between 5 – 14 years of age, along with teachers and staff getting involved in promoting the idea of kindness in lessons and extra activities. What an awesome experience!
Special Thanks
Special thanks first to Erin and Orly for their encouragement and commitment to those participating and their commitment to this event! They put so much time and energy into this, thank you!! Special thanks to Rania Mountasser and the other staff members at my school who helped make this happen! And special thanks to all the kids who participated in Dance for Kindness!
Amman, Jordan
Lana Mahmoud, DFK18 Group Leader
It’s a pretty cool experience. It showed me what my abilities can be. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, boosted my confidence, helped me trust myself and others and build connections. You will discover new things about yourself. Dance for Kindness helps you reflect on your life and think of others. I felt that I was celebrating Kindness with everyone around the world as one community. Dance for kindness made the world smaller as if we are one nation.
Bucharest, Romania
Lila Vasilescu, DFK18 Group Leader
This is my 4th year as a Group Leader in Bucharest, Romania and I took a leap of faith as I feel kindness is also at times a leap of faith when it might feel like the reality of our everyday is anything but kind. My leap of faith was to organize the event outdoors when normally at this time of the year we have snow and temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius. In my heart I envisioned a sunny day with warmth from the outside as well as from our hearts. And boy were we lucky! My second leap of faith was to stop trying to convince people to join us but rather inspire, model and leave space for everyone to make a choice. Because I realized that no matter the number of people dancing, that day could pass by as a regular day or it could be a spectacular day with even one dancer just because an intention to show kindness exists.
Special Thanks
Julie Dinca, Sorina Petrescu, Lavinia Fratila, Horia Stan, Iulian Mihai, Lavinia Stan, Mihai Dobrem, Cristi Dandes, Evelina Catoi, Damian Mchugh, Damian Ward, Mihaela Andrei, Ashima Goyal, Irina Safta, Gaby Simionescu, Andreea Neagu, Vali Usturoi, Richard Joannides
Clovis, New Mexico, USA
Kathryn Gonzales, DFK18 Group Leader
Being a part of Dance for Kindness was pretty amazing! As a first time Group Leader, I was really uncertain of what I was taking on but at the end of the day, it was pretty awesome to see a group of people come together in our community to celebrate KINDNESS! Though we were few in numbers, the message was pretty powerful. I’m already excited about the event next year and know it will be even bigger!
Special Thanks
- Claire Bourges- City
- Kim Tipton and Ernie Kos- Chamber
- Regina Griego-DKF Co-Leader
- Duffy Moon @ Mix 107.5 and Kristy Sartain- photography
- Mayor David Lansford- Proclamation
- Clovis Municipal Schools- Use of Leon William Football Stadium
Taipei, Taiwan
Carol Youssif, DFK18 Group Leader
I am so very grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of the DFK. As an educator, I want to be a role model for all the students I teach through the years. I bring DFK into their lives in hopes that they too spread the seeds of kindness as they go through life. It is an honor to wave the Life Vest Inside flag.
Special Thanks
- Rebecca Kintzley, who made the fundraising efforts possible.
- Leslie McFarlane for her support of DFK
- Jason Thornberg, fearless Student Wellness Action Team co-leader.
Salisbury, Maryland, USA
Grace Murdock, DFK18 Group Leader
The smiles and the hugs this event produces are magical. As we film our dance for inclusion in a worldwide montage we know that we are sending kind ripples throughout our world. Our yearly Dance for Kindness is just the kind of activity that warms everyone up for the holiday season. As participants leave the event the smiles are broad and many are saying, “I can’t wait until next year!
Special Thanks
- Mayor Jacob Day, Paul Butler, Martin Hutchison
- Monta Kutchen, Jamie Heater, Lillian Marzette
- Shayn Evans Smith, Harlan Eagle, Beth Sheller
- Heather Brooks, Donna Nefferdorf
New Delhi, India
Abhishek Saini, DFK18 Group Leader
This year Dance For Kindness was really special for us as we were creating awareness about organ donation in Delhi being one of the noble act of kindness. We were amazed with the response as more than 500+ dancers not only from Delhi but from other states came together to encourage more people to pledge their organs and save lives. More than 200 people pledged their organs and one of the participant shared her story how she has donated the eyes of her 12 years old son. This made me emotional and also encouraged me to organised DFK at a bigger scale next year to involve everyone under the banner of kindness.
Special Thanks
- Vivek Rajput Choreographer form NISH Dance Academy
- Bhaav Dance Company
- Shades of Happiness Foundation
- Pacific Mall, New Delhi team